Imagine’s Response to COVID-19


A Message from our Executive Director

Imagine is continuing to monitor the impact of COVID-19 on our community. Like many other service-organizations, we modified our programs to ensure the safety of our staff, volunteers, and the families we serve amidst the COVID-19 outbreak and to ensure those needing immediate support get the help they need.

To that end as of March 23 we transitioned all current on-site support groups and individual support to a virtual model which has been working beautifully. We continue to provide free, virtual peer support groups for children, teens and young adults 3-30 and their parents who have experienced the death of a parent or child. Families in need of support can contact Imagine to set up a virtual orientation and to join a support group. We can be reached at 908-264-3100 Monday – Friday from 9 AM – 5 PM. We can schedule a time to talk with you at other times as well – call to schedule an appointment.

We are offering free grief education webinars designed to assist school staff in how to support grieving staff, students and their families, and to assist parents and other adults in how to support their children. The focus of the workshop for parents is in building resiliency and coping skills, and how to listen to your children and teens, Follow us on social media (links below) for information on upcoming webinars, activities for children and teens on our YouTube channel, or to schedule postvention support for your school, agency, or workplace.

We appreciate your support during these challenging times and are so grateful for each and every one of our volunteers, donors, and the broader community of helpers. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at or 908-264-3100 x101

Download our list of additional support resources related to COVID-19 (pdf) or take a virtual tour of our beautiful center. Stay safe and take good care.

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