Imagine is holding a contest searching for someone to be our official t-shirt designer for the 12th Annual Greta’s Run for Imagine. This 5K, Kids Fun Run, and Memory Walk will be held on the morning of Sunday, May 18, 2025 at Roosevelt Intermediate School in Westfield, New Jersey.
All entries are due by Friday, March 7, 2025 at 11:59PM. Winner and runner ups will be announced by Friday, March 14, 2025. Contestants must be between 4th and 12th grade. Fill out the form below to submit your design.
One winner will be chosen and their design will be featured on the front of the official Greta’s Run 2025 t-shirts. The winner will also receive a Scream Social* from ScreamTruckTM!
*Scream Social is a 30 minute event for up to 25 guests and must be hosted in a town they currently service. A full list of towns can be found here.
Two runners up will receive free registrations for the 5K, Kids Fun Run (ages 10 and below) and Memory Walk (total value up to $65).
Please refer to the requirements and design criteria by clicking the yellow drop-down boxes below.
For any questions, please contact or 908-228-3360.
Contestant Requirements:
Design Criteria:
By submitting a design, each contestant gives permission to Imagine for their design to be used on the 2025 Greta’s Run T-shirt if voted as the winner.
Each contestant also gives permission to Imagine to share their name, grade, and design on Imagine’s marketing distribution list and all social media accounts.
Imagine has the right to modify the final winning design to fit t-shirt printing production specs.