Giving Societies


Pledge Your Support Today

Circle of Hope Society

Circle of Hope is Imagine’s multi-year giving society. Our Circle of Hope Members are the heart of Imagine. Your multi-year pledges allow us to provide stable, predictable and free grief support and to continue to be a pillar of hope and love for the community. By choosing an level below, you will be transacting your first year’s payment today and will receive a follow-up call about your annual payment schedule moving forward.

Compassion Circle

Annual Payment:
$1,200 – $1,999
Total Pledge:
$6,000 – $9,999

Empathy Circle

Annual Payment:
$2,000 – $4,999
Total Pledge:
$10,000 – $24,999

Resiliency Circle

Annual Payment:
$5,000 – $14,999
Total Pledge:
$25,000 – $74,999

Transformation Circle

Annual Payment:
$15,000 and above
Total Pledge:
$75,000 and above

Making A Difference
“As a founding board member I saw firsthand how Imagine transforms lives and supports so many families who are grieving.  We made a decision to join the Circle of Hope in order to provide sustainable funding and help insure Imagine is here long after we are gone. Being a part of this extraordinary circle allows us to share the experience of making a difference with a special group who share a common passion.”
– Stacy and David Weinman

Circle of Hope Society

We welcome friends who commit to our future support through a bequest, beneficiary designation or other planned gift valued over $5,000. We are so grateful to these loyal supporters who want to ensure their legacy furthers Imagine’s mission in years to come.

Please fill out this Gift Intention Form or call Imagine at 908-264-3100 or email Rena Jordan at

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